Here you will find all the relevant information surrounding the planning and production of my A2 Media Music Video.

Saturday 25 September 2010


My team partner India and i wanted to create a realistic feeling to our 'Blind-date' themed music video, and therefore chose to audition a third 'Jade' girl member, as there are originally three contestants on the show Blind-Date and three girls in the original group Jade.

Our target audience reaches out to the majority of teenagers, and that's why we used a viral marketing campaign to get our auditionee's to participate.

We asked our singing hopefuls to record themselves miming to the song 'Dont walk away' using their web-cams / digital cameras or even mobile phones (as these forms of technology are popularly used by teenagers of this generation) and to send their videos in to us via e-mail.

Here is a video of our top three finalists in action:

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