Here you will find all the relevant information surrounding the planning and production of my A2 Media Music Video.

Thursday 23 September 2010


The inspiration for our music video not only stems from the idea of a monderinsed perception on the original footage, but also from other music videos.
In my spare time i have been researching through various different music videos from out chosen genre, aswell as films and television shows that hold the same concept as the vision i hope to create with my final piece.

The idea of the 90's television show 'Blind Date' has been encorporated into the main theme surrounding our music video plan. Blind date is a show well recognised in the 90's era so fits in with the original sound and feel of the song, however we will (like the rest of the video) be feeding it a more modernised look.
The three main girls of jade alongside a 'host' will be situated like the females pictured below; all aiming to be the lucky lady chosen by our male protagonist.
During the show, all of the 'contestants' will have the chance to proceed on a date with the young gentleman spanding through three main locations;
  • Funfair/park
  • Shopping centre / Retail store

  • Front room (candle lit dinner)
However, each of the girls seem to hold a jealous streak towards one another as they are all competing to 'win' the prize of the male protagonist. To present this idea clearly to our target audience, we have come up with the idea that whilst our male role is on a date with one of the 'contestants', the remainding two girls will 'stalk' and follow the couple in aid to spy on them to ensure she doesnt win the young man a her prize.

As earlier mentioned each contestant will proceed on a date with the male in question.

One of the females will join our 'guy' on a date to the funfair / park.
As we'll be filming in the dark the lights from the funfair will look effective on screen.

Inspiration from this section of our music video came from a music video by the singer
JoJo with a song called 'Baby its you'.


For each 'contestant' we have drawn up a character profile.
The inspiration for each of these character profiles came from the video 'Get Right' by Jennifer Lopez.
This video by Jennifer includes different interpretations of her personality, spanding from the incredibly 'Nerdy / Geek' figure all the way to a 'Diva'.




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