Here you will find all the relevant information surrounding the planning and production of my A2 Media Music Video.

Friday 22 October 2010


This is an example magazine advert for Jay-z's greatest hits collection.
featured in the advertisement is a photograph of the digi-pak. This is useful as the target audience will know what to look for when shopping for the product.

Featured at the bottom of the advertisement is a countdown to the release date.
This helps build adrenaline and excitement amongst the audience similar to a countdown for a time of celebration (e.g. new year).
As this is a greatest hits album (an important moment marking accomplishment in an artists career) it is also a time for celebration and therefore, the countdown to the release date could represent a countdown to a celebration of the artist (Jay-z's) career.

The colours used in this digipak is dominantly black. This can connote a dark feel to the album of some explicit nature.

A picture of the artist is not featured on this digipak as this is a greatest hits album and the artist is already well established by his name alone. Photographed on the digipak, is a trangular symbol created by two hands. This is Jay-z's trade mark which he is also well established for, as he does this sign in many of his videos and stage appearances.


The hit single off of Gwen Stefani's 'Love. Angel. Music. Baby' album was entitled; 'Rich Girl' (which is also mention below the album title) and is a theme set throughout this magazine advert. The font is written in a rich gold while Gwen is pictured like a Queen on a throne holding a crown encrusted with diamonds.
The effect of this is that the audience will automatically be able to associate the hit single with photograph on the advert, and therefore assume this album will contain many more chart topping singles.

Unlike the magazine advert above, a photograph of the artist dominates the page.
This is because this is Gwen Stefani's debut album away from her group 'No Doubt' and she therefore is trying to establish herself in the music industry as a solo performer. Having her photograph dominate the page almost introduces her to the reader as this is the first thing they will see.

The digipak for this album is placed underneath the picture and is of a much smaller size than the remainder of the advertisement. This can show that promotion and introduction of the artist is the main aim here.

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