Here you will find all the relevant information surrounding the planning and production of my A2 Media Music Video.

Friday 29 October 2010


In what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge fors and conventions of real media products?
IMAGE ONE:Young adults and teenagers live highly under the influence of technology,expecially mobile phones (specifically popular, the BlackBerry). This is the reason we have chosen to use a mobile phone as our establing shot as it will immediently capture the audience's attention.

This shot also shows a link between the visuals and audio as the male character dials 'Jade's' number in sync with the dialling tone on the audio track.

IMAGE TWO:Image two is set in a cinema. However, due to complications and legal reasons we were unable to film in a real cinema and therefore we had to use clever lighting techniques to re-create the effect. We successfully achieved this by the light of a projector.

IMAGE THREE AND FOUR:This image portrays the way in which Qubia Records would like their artists to be represented. As you can see in the pictures the characters are photographed smiling, this is because as a company we want our audience to be able to relate to our artists as everyday people.

IMAGE FIVE:This is an example of a audience point-of-view shot, as the two protagonists communicate into their webcam as if talking to the audience. This allows the audience to feel more involved within the video and ultimately feel a deeper connection to the duo.

IMAGE SIX:Included in our music video are girls from all different social backgrounds. This expresses more than the sterotypical female conventionally portrayed in the majoirty of music videos. The effect of this is that we appeal to a wider audience, overall making us more relateable and likeable.

We also challenge conventions by making the female with the most androgynous behavious win the date in place of the stero-typical 'pretty girl' contestant.

IMAGE SEVEN:This demonstrates our use of mise-en-scene.
We decided to keep our locations simple and relatable to ensure the narrative story was understood clearly by the target audience.

This also ties in with the idea of us using cliche date scenarios (e.g. cinema and dinner). We decided to keep these aspects simple to ensure our target audience didnt lose track of the narrative.

IMAGE EIGHT:This image shows one of the protagonists lip-lyincing on-beat to the song. this is an aspect conventional to all music videos.

IMAGE NINE:Medium close up shots are used to help the audience establish more about the artist and lyrics in the song by their bosy language and faical expressions.
We have demonstrated this in photograph nine and throughout the lip-syncing sections of our music video.


IMAGE ONE:This is taken from Kanye West's music video for his song 'Good Life'.
Throughout this video the lyrics appear on screen as he sings them this shows a link between the lyrics and the audio.

IMAGE TWO:Beyonce's flaws and all video portrays her in a way much different to that us as the audience are used to in terms of her videos. She is always presented as a sexy female figure but however in this video her record company has chosen to present her with a softer tone about her to effectively make her seme more relateable to thE everyday people who look up to her.

IMAGE THREE:This music video by Eliza Doolittle shows genre from the location and instruments shown behind her. This song 'Pack-Up' is of the folk genre and this was portrayed successfully by the video being set in Jamaica (orgin of folk music) and the instruments being present (typical folk instruents)

IMAGE FOUR:This photo has been taken from Keri Hilson's 'Pretty Girl Rock' video. The whole video features many intertextual references to many famous videos, from TLC's Creep to Janet Jackson's rhythm nation (pictured). This is effective as the videos she's reinacting are already established and popular and therefore have a high chance of reminaing that way through her re-creation.IMAGE FIVE: Lady Gaga feat. Beyonce - Telephone has many uses of impressive camera and editing techniques. The split screen above is an example. The split screen is effective as it shows a connection between Beyonce and Lady Gaga, helping the audience view them as an alliance in this video.

IMAGE SIX: Lupe Fiasco's Superstar features a lot of flashing light. This connotes the songs titles 'superstar' as celebrirtes and superstars gather alot of media attention and are photographed on a regular basis.
The spotlight pictured above is effective as it presents Lupe Fiasco as the 'superstar' in the video.

IMAGE SEVEN: During 'Party in the USA' by Miley Cyrus, she begins to sing infont of the american flag. This links back to the title and communicates where the video is set.

IMAGES EIGHT AND NINE: The first of the images is taken from  Lady Gaga's 'Paparazzi' and the seconf from Nicki Minaj's video 'Right thru me'. Although from different videos they both communicate a lustful message to the audience.

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