Here you will find all the relevant information surrounding the planning and production of my A2 Media Music Video.

Wednesday 27 October 2010


This gave myself and India an indication of how successful our ideas would be once put into place. We found this feedback both encouraging and helpful.

The negative feedback towards our initial idea was the most rewarding. It helped us realise some of the aspects we were trying to create were out of reach due to the effect being too time consuming to put in place or too expensive. Our feedback also showed us that our ambitious idea made it difficult for the target audience to understand our narrative.

The positive feedback towards our rough cut was helpful as it helped us know that we were on the correct path to a successful music video that would ultimately please our target audience.
Our initial idea was not to make the footage a comedic piece however the perception of this during the showing of our rough cut was dominating and therefore we took this on board, and encorporated more comedy into our final piece.

The negative critisim was highly valuable as we now knew where we were missing aspects in helping the audience enjoy and understand our music video. All these points were influencial to our final piece as we designed and added a 'hookup' logo for the chat show sections of the footage, to differenciate what parts were of the chat show and which sections wernt.
Adding more cuts was also taken on board.

Overall feedback of final piece. We posted our final piece onto the social networking site facebook to gain feedback. We chose facebook as the majority of our target audience socialise and communicate through this website.
We really admired the feedback as it showed we produced an effective product as the feedback was mostly positive. We did recieve some constructive crisitsm about the conlcusion of our footage. We took this on board, and if we had the chance to re-do our project we would have managed our time a little better to produce a clearer ending.

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