Here you will find all the relevant information surrounding the planning and production of my A2 Media Music Video.

Thursday 16 September 2010


As the song 'Don't Walk Away' by the group 'Jade' already has an established music video in place; we have decided to create our version of the music video with a modernised edge towards it to suit the modern day target audience we aim to appeal.

The basic idea of the video can in some ways still compare to the original, as it involves the idea of close teenage female friends as the main protagonists. However we have decided to use two female protagonists in place of the three featured in the original video.

The two girl friends dream of being able to find their ideal partners / boyfriends, like the contestants on the 90's television show Blind Date.

One day whilst watching the show on a computer, the girls get caught up in the fantasy of being on the show. Becoming somewhat too engrossed within the program the girls begin to put themselves into the positions of the female contestants on the show, where they all take on different persona's (for example; one 'Diva' character, and one 'Bad girl' contestant).

Whilst the girls are caught up in their fantasy, India (now the 'bad' girl contestant) has been the successful candidate to win the date with the Male protagonist, Daniel.
This leaves Stephnie (the 'diva' contestant) sitting on the stage set alone, daydreaming about what it would be like if she were chosen to proceed onto the date with Daniel.

Once the girls snap out of their daydream, they log off their computer
which signals the end of the music video

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