Here you will find all the relevant information surrounding the planning and production of my A2 Media Music Video.

Thursday 15 July 2010


Music videos are a marketing device used to promote a band/artist and their song and album.
They are different to short films as they contain a higher use of cuts and camera shots.
There are many ways in which music videos can accomplish this for example, by the use of a:

  • Performative Video (in which the artist / band are featured performing)
  • Abstract Video (which doesn't focus on the artist / band or lyrics)
  • Technique Video (which features a series of techniques, e.g. filming your video backwards)
  • Narrative Video (follows the story-line of the lyrics)
Other aspects that are key to a successful music video are;

  • Good lip-syncing (miming the lyrics to the song)
  • On-beat editing (matching cuts with the tempo of the song)
  • Variety of camera angles / movements / shots and positions
  • Various, but relevant, costume and location changes

Here is a good example of music videos containing lots of cuts.
This song featured 129cuts in 4'mins and 8seconds

An example of on-beat-editing.
(cutting to the beat of the song)

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